Sunday, December 26, 2010

Yes IMBA Video

This is our first official Yes IMBA Video! At the same time, we would like to wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



Friday, December 17, 2010

Yes Roadshow - Last Day

Today, Yes Roadshow ended at 6.00pm. Within these 8 days of Yes Roadshow, we had great experience in dealing with customers. Definitely, we learned alot of new things during the roadshow and met with new friends from other teams.

At the same time, the Yes Crew were kind and helpful. A big thanks to Ms Alexis, Ms Lai Peng, Mr Kenny, Mr Haw Man (spelling might be wrong!), Mr Wei Joe, Mr Fareez, Mr Firdaus, Mr Amir, Ms Aishah, Ms Vivian and other crew members which I didn't know their names (sorry for that!). Without you guys, the roadshow wouldn't be that successful!

Below are some pictures we took during the roadshow:

Yes Roadshow - Monday

Our leader Sean is so busy!
Team IMBA member - cY, guiding people to update their account info... Looks so pro~Wah~

iPad winner! Congratulation! ^^
Sean with the iPad winner! Wow, he looked happier than the winner!

More photos will be uploaded in future, stay tuned!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010

COOLEST Lucky Draw at YES TARC RoadShow

The COOLEST lucky draw prizes is now at our TARC Yes Roadshow!! By purchasing any device with a minimum RM10 top up, you are entitled to join the lucky draw on the spot and have a chance to win any of the prizes!! Don't miss it!! You can draw your luck right after you purchase from us! It is all in a box!!

1. 1 x Apple MacBook Pro [Available]

2. 1 x Apple iPad [N/A - had been drawn away]

3. 10 x Yes Buzz 4G Phone [0/10 are available - All had been drawn away]

4. Yes Top Up Credit - Available

[Latest updated - 17/12/2010 (Friday)] 
The Lucky Draw session was over as the Yes Roadshow was over today! Unfortunately, no one can take away the MacBook Pro. But still, the customers had enjoyed themselves during the roadshow! Few prizes such as iPad and 10x Yes Buzz 4G Phone had been taken away, amazing things happen when you say Yes, isn't it?

Apple MacBook Pro

 Apple iPad

Yes Buzz 4G Phone

Yes Go Dongle


Team IMBA is now on Facebook and Blogger

!!!!! IMBA SHAKING !!!!!
For those IMBA members who had purchased YES products from us, please visit our official fan page Yes IMBA as well as our blog to stay tuned with the upcoming IMBALANCED activities from our team!!

For those who want to know more about YES, we are here at College Canteen 2 to provide you the best IMBALANCED service to make sure you get the information that you want for you to make decision on our YES product wisely!

We are wearing purple-pinkish t-shirt ♥

<<<不平衡 震到爆 ! ! ! >>>>>

《是》YES IMBA 学生企业家团队已设立一个全新的面子书粉丝页面
Yes IMBA部落格, 让我们的 IMBA 顾客 (现已成为我们的会员)以及其他拉曼生能够得到关于 YES 学生计划的第一手消息!!

除此之外,我们也会在不久的将来推出一连串劲爆的活动!!赶快成为我们的一份子以便得到超值的服务以及回馈哦!!下星期,TARC Canteen 2 见!

我们是粉紫色感性团队 ♥ :P


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day One - Launching Day in Canteen 2

In day one (08/12/2010), Yes had set up a booth for a duration of 1 week (until next Friday, 17/12/2010). Our Team IMBA (Pinkish-Purple color) performed our duty and successfully sold 15 Yes Go 4G Dongles!

A big thanks to the Yes Staff who are friendly and kind to help us out, and serving customers at their best. I hope that our customers had a great fun and experience! Aplogize to any inconvenience or misunderstanding that we have caused to you.

Below are some photos that we took on the first day:

Team IMBA Leader - Yong Sean How (Sean), the one who has great leadership and smart brain to guide us in the program.

Yes Booth in Canteen 2

Everyone is serving their customers with great interest

Miss Alexis (Middle, Teal colour) - The one who is overseeing us

Team IMBA member - Kong Mun Chun (Anson), great guy with good communication skills and great sense of humour!

Anson with his customer

Team IMBA Member - Ching Su (Milk) is posing for victory!

Team IMBA Member - Chee Yeong (cY) is explaining Yes details to his customers.

Sean is teaching his customer to activate the Yes ID.

Sean with Yes Staff!

Y - E - S

We hope that you are satisfied with our customer service and Yes Go 4G Dongle! Hope to see you again in future!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Yes Go 4G Dongle is launching tomorrow 08/12/2010!

We, Team IMBA proudly announce that Yes Go 4G Dongle from YTLC Yes is launching tomorrow at Canteen 2, Tunku Abdul Rahman College! Please feel free to go there and visit our booth and feel the excitement!

PS: Team IMBA will be represented with the Purple-Pinkish colour, so please stay with us ya!!=)

Yes Go 4G Dongle

Amazing thing happens when you say YES!
