Friday, December 17, 2010

Yes Roadshow - Last Day

Today, Yes Roadshow ended at 6.00pm. Within these 8 days of Yes Roadshow, we had great experience in dealing with customers. Definitely, we learned alot of new things during the roadshow and met with new friends from other teams.

At the same time, the Yes Crew were kind and helpful. A big thanks to Ms Alexis, Ms Lai Peng, Mr Kenny, Mr Haw Man (spelling might be wrong!), Mr Wei Joe, Mr Fareez, Mr Firdaus, Mr Amir, Ms Aishah, Ms Vivian and other crew members which I didn't know their names (sorry for that!). Without you guys, the roadshow wouldn't be that successful!

Below are some pictures we took during the roadshow:

Yes Roadshow - Monday

Our leader Sean is so busy!
Team IMBA member - cY, guiding people to update their account info... Looks so pro~Wah~

iPad winner! Congratulation! ^^
Sean with the iPad winner! Wow, he looked happier than the winner!

More photos will be uploaded in future, stay tuned!


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